Janet Network & Jisc Collections
Janet is a private, UK government-funded organisation, which provides computer network and related collaborative services to UK research and education. All further- and higher-education organisations in the UK are connected to the Janet network. Janet is also responsible for the .ac.uk and .gov.uk domains. It is funded by Jisc.
JISC Collections services all UK Higher Education and Further Education institutions and Research Councils that receive direct funding from the UK HE and FE funding bodies. It provides institutions with a collections catalogue of free and subscription-based online resources such as full text databases, e-books, digital images, e-journals, online film, learning materials and geospatial data.
I have been briefed by Jisc to design new indentities for both Janet and Collections that will fit under the secondary branding devices I finished earlier this year. This is chosen route to date with more to follow.